Thursday, 23 August 2012

Dear Mr Gove,

Today I had to witness over a hundred 15 and 16 year olds get their GCSE results. In a year where I have never worked harder, and neither have the kids, I was looking forward to celebrating the fact that their blood, sweat and literal tears had paid off.

Instead you decided for whatever politically motivated rubbish reason, you would raise the grade boundary by an unprecedented amount, and that students who had earned their C grades would be brutally downgraded to Ds. A sick joke? You decided not to change the higher paper grade boundary and decided not to change English literature grade boundaries. The kids that were effected were some of the most disadvantaged and hardest working. Grade inflation needs curbing, but this is not the answer.

I have put up with a year where my pay, pension and working conditions have been attacked, constant teacher slating in the media and the head of OFSTED claiming that ‘if staff morale is low, you are doing something right’ but to take it out on children? You should be ashamed.

I chose this job because I wanted to make a difference but the kids are just numbers and figures to you. You didn’t see their faces. How can you sleep at night? Prick.

Yours sincerely,
Miss Dye