Sunday, 22 April 2012

One little Sunday afternoon...

As I start this blog on a rainy Sunday afternoon in term time, ignoring the mountains of marking, and pretending that Monday morning is more than a few hours away, I wonder how many of my students are procrastinating too. My year thirteens are simultaneously bored of endless revision for their upcoming exams, yet gripped with fear; they will soon be leaving the relative safety and comfort of the sixth form common room for the great unknown. Meanwhile, my year elevens are grappling with the last of their controlled assessments and trying to remember their Steinbeck from their Shakespeare ("Miss, I don't get Shakespeare, it was written, like, sixty years ago!"). Having just watched the London marathon and tales of extreme commitment and challenges, to kick off my blog, I invite you to share three motivational videos that show determination, courage and that hard work pays off. Now where's that pile of marking...

Number one: 'If you believe in yourself, you will know how to pass your exam'
I used this with my year eleven class, who are struggling to see the light at the end of the 'longhardrevision' tunnel last week. They loved it!

Number two: A colleague showed me this inspirational video, where two incredible women push themselves and their bodies so completely to achieve their goals.

Number three: A few classic quotes from Gandhi, Edison, Churchill and er... Yoda?


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